My Epic Trek Comic Book Read #4

In Gold Key issue 4, "The Peril of Planet Quick Change" (June 1969), Spock discovers a highly unstable planet in "Galaxy Telpha Z." The constantly shifting surface is dangerous, but Spock has also detected tiantianium ore, "an ounce of which can propel a spaceship for a year," as Kirk says, so a landing party is … Continue reading My Epic Trek Comic Book Read #4

Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL

2001: A Space Odyssey has been one of my favorite films for decades. But for a movie with a large devoted geek following, it has long been underrepresented in the merch department. There have been some models in the past, but a lot of the collectibles have been high-end expensive figures. But in honor of … Continue reading Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL