Hammer Time, Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 5—The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires

Drac is back . . . and he knows kung fu! Up next in my re-viewing of the Hammer Films Dracula movies is The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, a martial arts/vampire mash-up. Legend is the far and away the most offbeat of the Hammer Dracula movies and works largely because it so fully … Continue reading Hammer Time, Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 5—The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires

Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 4—Scars of Dracula

Moving on in my re-viewing of all the Hammer Films Dracula movies in chronological order, we’re all the way up to 1970’s Scars of Dracula (originally posted August 22, 2010). Scars opens with a strange continuity gaffe. When last we saw the count at the end of Taste the Blood of Dracula, he was a … Continue reading Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 4—Scars of Dracula

Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 3—Taste the Blood of Dracula

I’m still working my way through the Hammer Films Dracula movies in chronological order. I've just watched 1970’s Taste the Blood of Dracula (when originally posted August 15, 2010)—and someone has awakened on the wrong side of the coffin. As Taste the Blood of Dracula opens, a lost London traveler stumbles onto a horrific scene: … Continue reading Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 3—Taste the Blood of Dracula

Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 2—Dracula Has Risen from the Grave

Drac is back, and he’s pissed! My retro viewing of the Hammer Films Dracula movies continues with 1968’s Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (originally posted August 14, 2010). At the end of Dracula: Prince of Darkness, we saw Dracula sinking beneath the icy waters surrounding his castle. After a brief prologue, Dracula Has Risen … Continue reading Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 2—Dracula Has Risen from the Grave

Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 1—The First Three Films

Well over a decade ago, I had the idea to blog my way through viewing a bunch of movies from Hammer Films, starting with their Dracula series featuring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. After I finished those, I moved on to their Frankenstein series, also starring Cushing (Lee only appeared in the first one). By … Continue reading Hammer Time: Count Dracula Edition, Pt. 1—The First Three Films