Hammer Time: Frankenstein Edition, Pt. 2—The Revenge of Frankenstein

When last we left the baron at the end of The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), he was headed for the guillotine in Switzerland. As The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) opens, he’s still on his way, so it’s a pretty direct sequel. More or less. Let’s talk continuity, shall we? Let’s do. Curse opened with some … Continue reading Hammer Time: Frankenstein Edition, Pt. 2—The Revenge of Frankenstein

Hammer Time: Frankenstein Edition, Pt. 1 —The Curse of Frankenstein

It’s time for me to rewatch—actually, in most cases, watch for the first time—the series of Frankenstein movies produced by Hammer Films from the late fifties through the mid-seventies. There are six films starring Peter Cushing as Baron Victor Frankenstein: The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) Frankenstein Created … Continue reading Hammer Time: Frankenstein Edition, Pt. 1 —The Curse of Frankenstein